Running in New York City

Running in New York City

Some people want Broadway, some people want Wall Street, for me, the one thing I knew I wanted to do when in New York City was to run central park.

Victoria Peak, Hong Kong

Victoria Peak, Hong Kong

Victoria Peak is one of the green places that Hong Kongers evoke whenever complaints of the island being made of skyscrapers and concrete arise.  As it also stands as the highest peak on the island, I knew I would have to check it out. (more…)

Running in Beijing

Running in Beijing

Seven months into our trip, and I can say that my speed has taken a bit of a hit.  I was worried that the air quality would keep me away for our entire stay in Beijing(even as I write this it’s rated ‘Very Unhealthy’), but luckily it dipped down into ‘Good’ levels and I was able to pop out for a quick run.  I lake I ran to had actually been drained, so it was a bit of a disappointment, but other than that it was nice to be out in blue sunny skies.

Date: 8 Oct 2016
Distance: 6.6 km
Time: 42:58
Location: Beijing, China
Running in Cape Town

Running in Cape Town

While we were only in Cape Town for a few days, I knew I wanted to both hike Table Mountain, and get a run through town.  I decided to combine both one beautiful sunny morning.   (more…)