Hiking the Samaria Gorge, Crete

Hiking the Samaria Gorge, Crete

The Samaria Gorge is the second longest gorge in Europe, a place that attracts over 1000 hikers per day because of it’s beautiful scenery. It is also Victoria’s first anniversary gift to me! (more…)

Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece

Visiting Athens in August is, if not a mistake, at least very challenging. You have to plan your day, taking care not to be caught wandering around in the open air ruins when when the clock strikes twelve. Victoria and I failed miserably at this on several occasions, but we still had a great time. (more…)

Running in Greece

Running in Greece

Running around Athens is extraordinary.  Being able to jog around the hill of the muses and to the Parthenon is quite a treat, if only for the scenery.

Running in Cavtat

Running in Cavtat

We were only spending a few days in Croatia, and two of them had been taken up by hiking in Plitvice Lakes National Park.  I wanted to make sure that I checked off Croatia on my running around the world list, so I woke up early to get this one done.
