Hiking in Monserrat, Spain

Hiking in Monserrat, Spain

While visiting Barcelona, Victoria suggested I look into visiting the Pyrenees.  She knows my affinity for mountains, and as they were only a few hours away it seemed like a good fit.  After doing some research we found that a day trip would probably involve about 6 hours on a train (round-trip), as this was a once in a lifetime opportunity,  Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t complying with our plans; for all the days we were in Barcelona, the Pyrenees had forecasts of thunderstorms.

Neither Victoria nor I were very psyched about the prospect of spending 3 hours on a train only to get soaking wet and possibly struck by lightning, so I did a little more research and found a much closer alternative: Monserrat.

Running in Spain

Running in Spain

While we visited several cities in Spain, for the first week I was feeling some ill effects of our time in Morocco, and wasn’t able to get out for a run until we reached Granada. (more…)

Granada, Spain

Granada, Spain

Several times in our trip Victoria said ‘no ha visto nada si no ha visto Granada’ or something like that. It was a saying of her grandfather’s which means ‘you haven’t seen anything until you see Granada’. (more…)

Running in Morocco

Running in Morocco

My run in Essaouira, Morocco had quite a nice mix. I started off in the medina(the historic non-european part of north-African towns) where I promptly got lost, eventually made my way to the city wall and ran along that until I found the beach. (more…)

Dubai, UAE

Dubai, UAE

While not on most backpackers or budget world traveller’s lists due to the expensive nature of Dubai, we ended up there during a visit to my sister, brother-in-law, and niece. While Dubai is unfortunately high on the beer index (a cheap beer being about 15 CAD in most places!), it does offer several things to do and see for the budget-conscious traveller, and having a free place to stay sure helped us.
