Travel Drama: The Death List
The following is a record of all the things that have been lost, stolen, abandoned or sent home during our travels. (more…)
The following is a record of all the things that have been lost, stolen, abandoned or sent home during our travels. (more…)
Ever since we departed for this epic adventure I’ve been extremely conscious of our budget – and watching as our bank account takes hits for every exciting thing we choose to do. (more…)
When we originally decided to go on a year long honeymoon we gave little thought to our apartment, our vehicles, our stuff; we’ll figure it out, we naively thought. (more…)
It’s really crept up on us, this great adventure of ours. It was August, we got married, we blinked, and now it’s February. We’ve got a tentative departure date of March 15th and so far it feels like we’re nowhere near ready. (more…)