When I asked Jordan what, if anything, he wanted to see in Africa, his only reply was “Gorillas”. I hadn’t even thought about gorillas at all, but I had my own little wish list of places I wanted us to go. So since he had only one, I wanted to make sure we ticked it off the list, and made it a priority.
After spending some time in Bogota, we made our way to the small town of Salento, in the heart of coffee country. (more…)
We started the morning with a wet landing to Punta Pitt, on San Cristobal. Here we had a bit of a hike up to spot the red footed booby. (more…)
We started the day with a dry landing onto Isla Española at Punta Suarez. This area was filled with many colourful iguanas, some sea lions, Nazca boobies (and their young), blue footed boobies, galapagos hawks, and lava lizards.